Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Presence, Application, and Preservation of Values

The Christian value of caring for the needy in a time of dire circumstance should not be subsumed by fear of 'the other'. Christian virtues should not be discarded in the wake of a frightening event. To do so would apply a similar logic that was evident after the terrorist attacks in 2001...In that case, certain vital constitutional protections (the right to privacy, protections against illegal search and seizure, and ultimately the freedom of the press) were summarily cast aside in deference to fear with enactment of the Patriot Act.
The opportunity to display Christian values and Constitutional rights is especially afforded us during moments of crisis...Our faithfulness to each set of ideals will be our legacy to future generations seeking guidance and moral direction. Perhaps they might learn also that answering hate in kind is not a sustainable solution for the future. Perhaps they will have the courage to act not with equal amounts of venomous rage, violence, and intolerance but rather to make manifest in the world the enduring values of inclusion, compassion, reconciliation, understanding, thoughtful reflection, intelligent decision making, and heartfelt consideration of their brothers and sisters worldwide when they offer themselves as a living embodiment of their stated position.
Closing our borders is a bit like shutting the front door in order to protect the family against a flu virus. The origins and continuation of terrorism have their roots in a complex set of historical realities, circumstances, policies, and responses only some of which we can control. Through the application of our fundamental American values of charity and inclusion we now have the opportunity to demonstrate to the world the better part of our national character and in so doing we might begin to heal our wounds from within.

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