Sunday, July 24, 2016

Putting HRC in Her Proper Progressive Place

This will be painfully obvious to most discerning observers but I need to dispel any remaining thought regarding Hillary (or as my wife, Debby, refers to her: 'He He') as some sort of political progressive.
Beginning with her early affiliation with Barry Goldwater and despite her excellent work with the Children's Defense Fund, Hillary has been anything but a progressive political figure. In the mid-90's, her support of Bubba's so called welfare reform initiatives which imposed punitive mandates on those on the lowest economic rung of society, criminal justice measures which increased mandatory minimum sentencing, the continuation of Reagan's neoliberal free trade philosophy with her support of NAFTA and, further, to the whole-sale deregulation of the banking system which, in turn, moved investment from the real economy of goods and services into the netherworld of a financial sector that makes Vegas look like a children's playground signaled anything but progressive inclinations.
Moving into the brave new world of the 21st century, Hillary moved ever rightward by embracing the neoconservative policies of the Bush/Chaney Regime through her lock-step support of the Patriot Act, support (as senator) of the dubious decision to invade Iraq, her approval of expanded warrantless surveillance of millions of otherwise innocent American citizens, her support of increased penalties for whistle blowers, and her acceptance of the increased invocation of the Espionage Act in order to persecute journalists and suppress real investigative reporting. Add to this less-than-impressive array of political choices, her performance on behalf of the Obama Administration as Secretary of State provides further evidence of her center-right leanings. Her neoconservative credentials were once again put on display with her active involvement in the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government in Honduras, the destabilizing regime change in Libya, and the earlier removal of President Artiste in Haiti. During her continuing tenure as Madam Secretary, she managed to up the ante by not only actively supporting the Illegal drone attacks in Yemen but also by orchestrating a cover up wherein President Sala would claim responsibility for the attacks with the implicit guarantee of additional funds to conduct his own battle against domestic opposition. I could go on but I'm reasonably confident that you are beginning to get the idea!
Like Clinton the Lesser and Obama before her, Hillary embodies the essence of the Democratic Party's character as symbol over substance; rhetoric over actual policy. Her continued support and implementation of neo-liberal economic as well as neo-conservative interventionist policies that have been the real hallmark a new model of the Democratic Party is a far cry from the progressivism of the Roosevelt and, to a lesser extent, Truman years.
The good news (at least to an ever growing number of us) is that, for the first time in decades, the Democratic Party has an opportunity to redefine itself and move in a truly new direction; away from the old tired policies of recent decades which have moved it to a place heretofore occupied, in so many ways, by the opposing Party. Sadly, Ms. Clinton, in deed if not in word, represents a philosophy distinctly at odds with the progressive renewal currently underway.

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