Saturday, April 4, 2020

Hell Awaits

In an act of willful facilitation, DJT has decided to distribute the national stockpile of personal protective equipment to the private sector instead of issuing these vital and crucially needed items directly to the states and into the hands of the heroic medical care workers battling 24/7 on the front lines of the pandemic as it spreads across the country. As a result, private companies and the brokers that service them are reaping profits of as much as ten times the original price of individual pieces of equipment from a captive and desperate market of health service providers across the nation. The practice of price-gouging at a time of national emergency it not only a disgrace but it lays bare the rapacious nature of a 'free market' mentality, which places profit over the need to respond to this crisis with compassion, alacrity, humanity, and a sense of the common good as the principal driving forces behind our actions at this critical time.
To the advocates and apologists of the active attempt to extract material gain from the ever-escalating human tragedy unfolding before us on a daily basis, my friend Mr. Dylan has a few words for you: '...and to you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears; bury the rag deep in your face for now is the time for your tears'! I spoke with him earlier today and he asked me also to inform the the Masters of Greed operating in the cesspool of exploitation aka the current 'marketplace' that 'I see through your eyes and I see through your brain, like I see through the water that runs down my drain'!
Shame on these later day money changers who, through their self-serving actions, desecrate the graves of each victim of this terrible pandemic and further impede the noble efforts of thousands of healthcare professionals throughout the land.

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