Friday, February 16, 2018

Dereliction Of Duty

In light of the interim findings and subsequent indictments emanating from the Mueller Investigation, it is especially galling to realize that the current administration, instead of seriously considering the claims of Russian interference with the political/electoral processes of the United States, rather chose to bury its head in the sand while also placing it firmly in another part of its anatomy. Concerned more about preserving the fragile ego of a president so thoroughly absorbed by perceived threats to the legitimacy of his election and possibly the real knowledge of its involvement in the now exposed conspiracy to defraud the American people, this government has failed in its responsibility to protect its institutions and citizens from the encroachment of a foreign adversary hostile and opposed to the best interests of this nation. The further extent of the complicity of this administration in these criminal acts will be become more clear as the investigation continues to unfold. One must now rightly suspect that much more is yet to be revealed in the ongoing exploration involving governmental corruption of historic proportions. Stay tuned.

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