Monday, July 15, 2019

Racism Laid Bare and Democratic Myopia

Just as the Republicans were beginning to celebrate the riff within the the Democratic Party as a result of the establishment's effort to identify and marginalize what is being labeled 'the squad' (AOC, Pressley, Omar, and Tlaib), Trump once again brazenly asserted himself into the mix with the overtly racist suggestion that these duly elected public servants 'go back to their country of origin.' In so doing, DJT upped the ante in terms of race baiting in an effort to solidify the extreme elements within the Republican Party while giving voice to what many only will espouse behind closed doors. Instead of wide spread condemnation for these remarks within the Republican 'leadership', Trump's declaration has been met with, at best, a tepid response or, as usual, complete radio silence.

It's a sad commentary on our dysfunctional state of national discourse that such virulently hateful pronunciations do not trigger a larger discussion regarding the still unaddressed spectra of racism as it is laid bare by this president and his most ardent followers. The real shame is that the millions of citizens who are in dire need to engage in a real catharsis regarding America's original sin are once again denied entry into a potentially healing process by which we might all confront the demons of the past with the goal of genuine reconciliation firmly in mind.

Meanwhile, a form of good old fashioned fear masquerading as leadership and 'pragmatism' are on full display within the Democratic Party. There has been an orchestrated effort taking place to marginalized the very same people (the aforementioned 'squad') who represent the potential future of an expanded and ever more inclusive electorate. Listen closely to Biden and other establishment figures repeatedly use the phrase 'circular firing squad' to describe what otherwise would be regarded as a healthy debate/discussion within a democratic process but, instead, is being characterized as a kind of fatal disunity destined to destroy any chance of beating Trump in 2020. The MSM has consistently echoed the phrase in what must be seen as a concerted and organized effort to silence progressive voices within the Democratic Party. This fear-based strategy threatens to alienate the same people so very much needed to enhance the chances of Democratic success next year...a stunning form of self-sabotage.

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