Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Oil That Binds

Amid all the endless back and forth regarding whether or not Trump believes the Russians interfered in the recent US election, the MSM has assiduously avoided any real or in depth discussion about the underlying issue which might explain the tie that binds Russia and the Trump administration. They both have a major stake in the lifting of the sanctions which have prevented the development of Exon's oil holdings in Russia and which have otherwise hamstrung the Russian economy. Imagine their mutual consternation when it was revealed and later confirmed by US intelligence agencies that indeed there had been extensive contacts between the two parties. The implicit quid pro quo here would have been a difficult finesse under normal circumstances but the Flynn debacle made it even more problematic to realize. An optimistic hope is that the ongoing investigations into this whole sordid affair will bring to light the true and abiding intentions of the principals involved. In the meantime, it would be refreshing to hear an honest and open discussion of the genuine motivations of the major players by members of the MSM.

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