Sunday, December 15, 2019

To Do The Right Thing

With the impending impeachment vote on the immediate horizon, it might be useful to keep in mind what Senator Sherrod Brown recently had to say: ‘To be an effective legislator, one might need to risk losing the next election.’
Now more than ever: Courage and Conscience Still Matter!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bernie Remains A Viable Force

It very well may be that Sanders' predicted demise (by the Democratic establishment and the MSM) is seriously premature and dismissive of the continued groundswell of support he has captured by a consistent, authentic, and compelling analysis of our society's deep seeded needs. His appeal to the previously disenfranchised and ignored members of an untapped electorate is particularly worthy of note. His candidacy remains as viable as ever and will be force to be reckoned with throughout the election cycle of 2020. In spite of the elites' preferences and traditional reluctance to embrace real systemic change, the people will likely/hopefully have the final say as to the future direction of our ship of state. Let their collective voice be heard...let the wild political rumpus begin!