Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Loathsome Entitlement

In the midst of the celebration of Elijah Cummings's distinguished life, a white commentator took it upon himself to unleash a diatribe against the late congressman wherein the long-time public servant was labeled a 'race pimp'. He went on to similarly defame Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in this manner while unfavorably comparing these two leaders Andrew Young and Ralph Abernathy.

It is endlessly astonishing to observe the degree of entitlement on display when a white guy, who can never know the life experience a black man in this culture, has the gall to anticipate, presume, criticize, or otherwise pass judgment on the motives/intentions of leaders of the African American community. It's is especially troublesome/loathsome when the same guy resorts to using racist dog whistle language (e.g. 'race pimp') to support his critique of certain 'unacceptable' black personalities while conferring his blessing on those he deems worthy of praise.
A common defense for this presumption is often to claim one's inalienable right as a pale, God-fearing male to depart from the constraints of 'political correctness' and to confer upon any subject matter the honor of his most privileged, biased, and often hate-filled point of view. Let it hereafter be known that while it is your right to do so, it will not be done without consequence and/or recrimination.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

We're In This Together

Today I was given the opportunity to respond to a post that suggested the thing worse than being the victim of other people's bitterness, small mindedness, intolerance, hate, insecurities or anger is to be them.
While this thought resonates deeply it is also true that
in a very real sense, we ARE them: different expressions of a common humanity put on display at various points of personal/collective evolution. The arrogance/ignorance of Donald Trump, for example, can serve as a stark reminder of what we all are capable of in other circumstances.
Need a compassion check/challenge?: imagine embracing our president with the same love and understanding you might reserve for yourself, your like-minded friends, and those closest to your heart. Every family has a member who behaves badly. Today it's Cousin Donny; tomorrow or yesterday it could/was any one of us...and we all must be held accountable.
One fabric; many threads...many beads on a single string.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Putting the Post-9/11 Era in Proper Perspective

A recent discussion regarding Condoleezza Rice's recent interview, which seemed designed to reframe her image in the present by conveniently ignoring past events requires a sober reflection on the realities on the ground.
Do we so easily forget that she, in league with other notable neocons, helped construct and orchestrate the false narrative regarding WMD's in Iraq, providing justification for the disastrous war the repercussions of which still reverberate throughout the Middle East.
Perhaps Gore Vidal said it best when he entitle his book: The United States of Amnesia.
Apparently it takes only a decade or so for war criminals such as Rice, Rumsfeld, Abrams, and Chaney to be elevated to the status of 'statesman' while acquiescent enablers like Powell and Bush are similarly regarded. Let's not also forget the continuation of the Bush/Chaney doctrine by the Obama/Biden regime in their escalation of the murderous drone warfare program, their support for elevated mass surveillance of American citizens, and their crackdown on whistle blowers and investigative journalists. Culpability in the post 9/11 era spreads wide across the entire political landscape.

The Rejection of Authoritarian Rule

Entering into an agreement with the authoritarian leader of Turkey involving the removal of troops from Syria without consultation with American military, congressional, or State Department leadership is the act of an out-of-control and clearly unbalanced individual who neither understands or is concerned about the dire consequences of this reckless act of incompetence. In so doing, he has condemned loyal Kurdish fighters to certain death and the advancement of Turkish regional objectives. It is not surprising that the president's impulsive and completely ill-consider action has met with condemnation from both sides of the aisle. Let's hope that Republican defection away from the long standing, lock-step support of Trump will now extend into the probe of his brazen attempt to solicit and coerce foreign assistance for the advancement of his political ends by either withholding military assistance (Ukraine) or turning a blind eye to the suppression of the freedom of expression (China).
The latest events have underscored the necessity for the assertion of Congress, through its Constitutional mandate and responsibility, to finally hold this president accountable for his flagrant disregard for the rule of law and his utter inability to separate his own interests from the interests of the nation he has sworn to protect and defend. The facts are not in dispute; the only question remaining is whether or not we as a people (through our elected representatives) will summoned the requisite courage to preserve the democracy against the blatant current attempts to replace it with authoritarian and dictatorial rule.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Impeachment and the Way Forward

It is now abundantly clear that this incompetent, corrupt, amoral, and thoroughly unworthy individual will be rightfully impeached by the House of Representatives. Soon we will discover whether certain members of the Senate will demonstrate the requisite courage to opt for the rule of law and the proper exercise of their Constitutional duty by voting for conviction. In so doing, the stain of Donald Trump and the national embarrassment that he represents will begin to lessen and perhaps suggest a clearer path forward, away from the darkness of these recent years.