Responsible citizenship going forward will be characterized by organized, determined, thoughtful, and peaceful resistance to the conscious effort currently afoot to replace our democratic model of governance with a privatized, corporate-led authoritarian vision of America’s future. As the poet reminds us: ‘The lines have been drawn and the curse has been cast; the slow one now will later be fast as first one now will later be last; And the present now will later be past for the times [indeed, once again] are a changin’. To paraphrase further with mixed verse:…with clear-eyed vision, ‘watch with one last look the chimes of freedom flashing’; Listen closely for ‘the chance might not come again’ and ‘don’t speak too soon for wheel is still in spin and there’s no telling who that it’s naming’; Remember that ‘the rules of the road have been lodged and its’s it’s only people’s games that you got to dodge’. So its’s alright, America…’we can make it’!!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Resistance To The Current Threat
I am joined by many from across a broad political landscape in saying that what we are witnessing in these early days of the new administration is without a comparable precedent. It was recently suggested that the proper response to this sentiment would be to leave the country. On the contrary, the persistence of Trump’s unprecedented executive overreach is precisely the reason that we must stay and resist the illegal seizure of the agencies and institutions of our government. Reducing waste in government as a bipartisan concern is one thing; radically imposing private ownership in it’s stead is quite another. Nobody voted for Elon Musk to become the CEO of the United States of America. Trump has always been nothing more than the frontman, a useful idiot if you will, for the corporate overlords to whom he is beholding and from whom he receives is orders. Responsible citizenship going forward will be characterized by organized, thoughtful, and peaceful resistance to the conscious effort currently afoot to replace a democratic model of governance with a privatized, corporate-led authoritarian vision of America’s future.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Message Marked: Read Immediately
In the wake of Mike Johnson’s assertion that the citizens gathered around the country to protest the actions of the Trump Administration had been paid to do so…
Memo to the Sycophantic Speaker of the Submissive House of Representatives: the American people do not require payment as an incentive to protest the defilement of their country and government.
Now and Then Again…
Now, as I ponder Then
I bring it into the Now
And fill it with memories
Of Then
Magically illuminating the Now
As Then graciously accepts
The invitation to live
Once again.